According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells us that he came to serve and not to be served. (See Mark 10:35-45). By Baptism we are sharers in the mission and in the promise of Christ. We are called, as he knew himself to be, to offer ourselves freely for the good of others. And so we serve. We don't always do it perfectly. We don't always do it consistently enough. But we hear the call and seek to respond.
Here is some of what we at Saint Anselm's do in service. If you would like to help out, or if you have an idea for another avenue of giving of ourselves, please be in touch through the Parish Office.
The Deacon Cusick Center houses the parish Food Pantry and Thrift Shop. These volunteer-administered ministries provide much needed nourishment and the availability of clothing and a wide variety of household goods to the people of the north shore.
The Food Pantry is open weekly year-round: Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Anselm's Attic - SAINT ANSELM'S THRIFT SHOP! Bargains in men's and women's wear, as well as clothing for children and other treasures are there for you in a newly-refurbished space. Help yourself. Help the church. Help the community.
Open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Other Outreach Projects Every Fall season Saint Anselm's collects school supplies for children in our area whose families cannot afford to buy all that is required.
We also have an annual drive to collect needed items for victims of domestic abuse and for the homeless.
At Thanksgiving and Christmastime, food and gifts are distributed to families in need.
During the six weeks of Lent, Saint Anselm's parishioners choose local and international groups doing good with whom to share the alms we gather during Lent to support God's ongoing work in the world.
More volunteers are always welcome. Phone/email the Parish Office if you would like to help.
During Lent 2017, 2018 and 2019, the parish community chose to support the mission and work of the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless. Household goods of all kinds were collected for those being provided with new housing. Families saved money throughout the six weeks of Lent which was collected and sent during the Easter season to the Coalition in support of their work.
Each Lent the parish chooses a charity, whether local or farflung, to support out of what we have.